Comment from Darlene: This is Michael's response to a "howler" I sent him complaining about troubles I was having with the Mac in the absence of my "IT guy".....we've had a 'running feud" over the Mac vs. a PC so I knew he would laugh about it. (If you don't know what a "howler" is, read Harry Potter and you'll get an idea.)
First wow. I knew things would happen that you, of course(!), wouldn't go to the Apple Store for or call Apple Support about. For example, you shouldn't need to have downloaded Adobe Reader because Mac OSX natively reads PDF files via Preview, but also because I have (at least, I think I still had when I left...) Adobe CS3 Design Premium installed. Anyway, I'm glad you sorted it all out and I'll be happy to clear up the mess when I get home and make sure the iMac is in good running order. That'll be a fun job to get caught up on the first week or two I'm home. Anyway, that's far in the future. But, in the interim, GO TO THE APPLE STORE WHEN YOU HAVE QUESTIONS! Also, if something funky really does start happening with the computer, go online (to I think...if that doesn't work, just go to and then pick out the willow bend store) and schedule an appointment at the Genius Bar and take the comp down there to get any "serious" problems fixed. The Apple Care should still be good on the comp until the end of November of this year as far as I remember.
Okay, so what's new in the work, you ask? Well, Easter was...interesting. In the first ward, the program was awesome and very cool, but we had to leave for part of it to go to the other ward's Missionary Coordination meeting. However, we didn't know we weren't holding it that Sunday, so we just talked with the rep. from the Relief Society who also didn't know it wasn't being held. Anyway, we got back in for the closing part of the program, but we missed two of the talks that, from the snippets I heard, seemed like they would have been really cool to hear. But we didn't have any investigators in that ward, so oh well. Anyway, moving on to the next ward. Wow. We had three investigators there, which was awesome!
Anyway, to make a long story at least a little shorter, we met with the couple we are teaching and the cool thing of the story was that last night she told us that she prayed like we had told her to doabout a difficult situation she had when she went to church and felt no one spoke to her and she got an answer! She said the Lord basically told her to not worry about what other people thought of her, that the purpose she goes to church is to worship Him, not others, and that she should go out of her way to introduce herself to people if people don't introduce themselves to her. It was cool to hear that, but it was also apparent that she had been upset by events. So...trials and tests. We testified to them that if they'll keep coming (which they said they plan to) they'll have better experiences and they'll feel the Spirit and be edified. It was so cool to hear Joelene speak last night! She spoke for probably close to half of the time! It was awesome! Aside from that, things are progressing along with others. I would ask that you all just pray for them and our other investigators.
Anyway, enough of that. We're doing our best and trying to find new people all of the time! We're hopefully going to get a referral from a member who's shared a copy of the Book of Mormon with her friend. Yay!
Anyway, things are going relatively well. I still get stressed sometimes and worry way too much, but I'm doing what I can. I hope all of you are doing well and that life is sweet! I hope to hear from y'all soon!
Take care and I LOVED the tape! I love y'all!
-Elder Michael Starks
P.S. When am I going to get another tape?! Jill and Kaycee both said that they were going to be making another one soon...and that was back in Feb! Also, I LOVE the pictures! Sweet Bluebonnets! Press one and send it to me! I love y'all! I'm glad to hear y'all are all doing well!